Introduction to Autism webinar

Join us on Monday 12 September at 6pm – 7pm for our first LEARN LIVE webinar ‘Introduction to Autism’. In this webinar Debra Harris will…

Introduction to Dyslexia

Join us on Monday 10 October at 6pm – 7pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Introduction to Dyslexia' Many of the children you teach will…

An Introduction to Multi-Sensory Needs

Join us on Monday 7 November at 6pm – 7pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Introduction to Multi-Sensory Needs' You will work with students that…

Working in Catholic Schools

Join us on Monday 14 November at 5.30pm – 6.30pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Working in Catholic Schools' In this webinar, Mark Dumican, Headteacher…

Autism : A parent/ teacher’s insight

Join us on Monday 5 December at 6pm – 7pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Autism : A parent/ teacher’s insight' Are you an educator,…

Maximising Your School Budget

Join us on Monday 9 January at 4pm – 5pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Maximising your school budget' In this first of a series…

Maximising Your School Budget

Join us on Monday 30 January at 4pm – 5pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Maximising your school budget' In this first of a series…

Trauma Informed Practice

Join us on Monday 13 February at 4pm – 5pm for the LEARN LIVE webinar 'Trauma Informed Practice' Trauma has a significant on the lives…