Understanding the LADO Process

As a former headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), I have had over 15 years experience dealing with safeguarding referrals. I have attended LADO meetings, made LADO referrals and supported colleagues who have had allegations made about them. The process can be challenging and distressing.

In all instances, it is important to be very aware of what is entailed. The following information and video will give you the relevant information you require should you be involved, in any capacity, in a LADO process.

What is the LADO process?

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) process in the UK is a crucial aspect of safeguarding and protecting children. Educators must be well-informed about this process to ensure the safety and well-being of the students under their care.

The LADO process is designed to manage allegations against individuals working with children, including teachers and other school staff. The designated LADO serves as a liaison between the school, local authority, and other agencies involved in child protection. When an allegation arises, educators should promptly report it to the LADO, who then coordinates an initial assessment to determine the appropriate course of action.

Educators need to understand that the LADO process is not punitive but focuses on fair and thorough investigations. The LADO provides advice and support throughout the process, ensuring that all parties involved are treated fairly. It is essential for educators to be aware of their duty to report any concerns promptly and accurately, maintaining confidentiality while cooperating fully with the LADO’s inquiries.

Moreover, educators should recognize that the LADO process is an integral part of the broader child protection framework. By actively engaging with the LADO, educators contribute to creating a safe and secure environment for students. Continuous training and awareness about the LADO process empower educators to fulfill their safeguarding responsibilities effectively, promoting the overall well-being of the children in their care.

An example of the decision making process around LADO process is attached in the materials section of the course.

Below is a video for you to gain the basic information about the LADO process. In Lesson 1, you can get more detailed information in a series of videos produced by Sutton Local Authority. For the test, you will only need to watch the first video below. However, if you need additional information you should also view the videos included in Lesson 1.

About Instructor

Phil Denton

25 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate