We are delighted to offer this course, presented by Marian Adejokun, focussed on working effectively with children in early years education. You can start off by reading the information below, then take the two lessons and the quiz to gain your certificate in this area.

Working with children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) involves a comprehensive and holistic approach to their development and learning. The EYFS framework in the UK sets out the standards for the learning, development, and care of children from birth to five years old. Here are the key aspects of working with children in EYFS:

  1. Play-Based Learning: EYFS emphasizes the importance of play as a vehicle for learning and development. Play allows children to explore, experiment, and make sense of the world around them. As an educator, you should create a rich and stimulating play environment that encourages active engagement and supports different types of play.
  2. Unique Child: Every child is unique, with individual strengths, interests, and needs. A key aspect of working in EYFS is recognizing and valuing each child’s individuality. Personalized approaches to learning and development are essential to support each child’s progress.
  3. Positive Relationships: Building positive and nurturing relationships with children is fundamental. Children learn best when they feel secure and valued. Establishing strong connections with each child and their families helps create an environment of trust and support.
  4. Enabling Environments: The physical and emotional environment in an EYFS setting plays a crucial role in children’s development. The environment should be carefully designed to be engaging, safe, and responsive to children’s needs. It should also encourage independent exploration and learning.
  5. Learning and Development Areas: EYFS identifies seven areas of learning and development, which are divided into prime areas and specific areas:Prime Areas:
    • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    • Communication and Language
    • Physical Development
    Specific Areas:
    • Literacy
    • Mathematics
    • Understanding the World
    • Expressive Arts and Design
    Educators need to provide opportunities and experiences that cover all these areas to support children’s holistic development.
  6. Observation and Assessment: Regular observation and assessment of children’s progress are essential to understand their development, interests, and learning needs. This information helps educators plan appropriate activities and interventions to support each child’s learning journey.
  7. Inclusive Practice: Inclusion is a core principle of EYFS. It involves adapting teaching and learning approaches to accommodate the diverse needs of all children, including those with additional needs or disabilities.
  8. Partnership with Parents and Carers: Collaborating with parents and carers is vital for a child’s holistic development. Sharing information about a child’s progress, involving parents in decision-making, and exchanging insights about the child’s strengths and needs create a more comprehensive support system.
  9. Continuous Professional Development: Educators working in EYFS should engage in continuous professional development to stay updated on the latest research, methodologies, and best practices in early childhood education.
  10. Child-Led Learning: EYFS encourages child-led learning experiences, where children’s interests and curiosities guide the learning process. This approach fosters intrinsic motivation and a sense of ownership over their learning.

Remember that working with children in EYFS is a dynamic and evolving process that requires flexibility, creativity, and a deep understanding of child development principles.

About Marian Adejokun

Marian Adejokun has an MA in Early Years education from UCL Institute of Education. She also has a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies from Roehampton University

Marian has worked in various educational sectors from Nurseries, Primary, SENCO, LSA, Early Years Teacher/Educator. She has spoken and written blogs with Childcare Education Summit (Early Years), Worked with Charted college of teaching.

Marian’s passion to speak at schools primary, secondary, higher education and other institutions or events as she likes to use that platform to empower young children, youths and adults about her story.

Marian is also a multi-award winner, youth advocate, published author, teacher and entrepreneur.

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31 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate