Always Look After Yourself
The saying goes ‘Put on your own oxygen mask first’, you need to be that role-model.
The saying goes ‘Put on your own oxygen mask first’, you need to be that role-model.
It is not a myth that walking into a Yoga class or even thinking about teaching yoga to your students is incredibly daunting: we have…
On Friday 11th January 2019, I went to see Malala Yousafzai speak at the Barbican as part of a Guardian Live Event. She was superb!…
There’s been a lot in the news recently about mental health amongst university students. It’s a hot topic and rightly so.
Working with children and young people in an educational setting is equally rewarding and challenging and can enhance one’s mental and physical well-being or adversely…
As a vocation, teaching can be all-consuming. It can find its way into every corner of our life, either because we welcome it in or…
As teachers head back to school, they will, once again be asked to step into the role of being the ‘authority’ in the room. But…
As we move closer to an unusual start of the academic year, this article points out how important it is for us to be approachable…
Carving out time in the day that is just for you is imperative. No matter what job we are in or how busy our day…