Understanding the SEND Code of Practice

This course details the importance of supporting children and young adults with Special education needs and disabilities (SEND) from ages 0-25 years. It is for all organisations that work with people within this age range in an education capacity. We have three lessons which are as follows:

  1. Understanding the SEND Code of Practice
  2. Early Identification of SEND
  3. The Graduated Approach

For individual educators, it outlines the four key areas of SEND. There is detail on the causes and symptoms of each. Every individual is different and has a varied level of need. Often, children and young adults will have needs that cross areas and are interrelated.

This course will detail each area and offer additional resources that you will find helpful in understanding SEND, as well as the guidance explained in this code of practice. Furthermore, you will learn about the growing level of need and the areas that are growing rapidly such as social, emotion and mental health (SEMH).

To begin with, you can hear from Opogo teacher, Brooke, who explains her work with children with SEND. The lesson then details what the code of practice says and how you can refer to this in your daily practice.

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31 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • 3 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate